Fishing for Trout

Trout are probably the most popular to go fishing for—whether it's fishing in Oregon or outside of the area. With the abundance of trout, and the many different kinds out there, it's a great first step into fishing, as well as a relaxing activity no matter your experience level.

If you are just getting started, though, Gary offers some articles on how to fish for trout, trout fishing techniques and some fun trout fishing stories, as well. Read the articles below to get up-to-date on trout fishing Oregon and beyond!

  • Downtown Brown

    To catch big brown trout, they say, you’ve got to fish very early and very late in the day or even all night long. Big browns, they say, come from big, deep lakes where they feed on kokanee and chubs. Furthermore, you need big baits to turn salmo trutta’s head.

  • 9 Guerilla Tactics for More Trout

    When we set out to do battle with trout, we arm ourselves with specific techniques to handle typical encounters with our quarry. But often, our opponent has seen our stratagems before and is wary of taking the fly. That’s when its time to bend the rules of engagement. And time to adopt guerrilla tactics.

  • Five Oregon Lakes for Road Trip Trout

    When we planned our annual family camping trip last year, the easy part was deciding where to go. My book, The Oregon Lake Maps and Fishing Guide was out, and thumbing through the pages reminded me of several places that I wanted to get back to.

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