Royal Wulff

By Gary Lewis

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The sun was behind the canyon wall but there was still enough light to knot a #14 Royal Wulff to my line. I had a boulder for cover and could see a few trout taking dries in the riffles and slack water.

I worked out line and set the fly down on the far side of the riffle. It floated a foot and disappeared as a Deschutes rainbow took it under.

The Royal Wulff is a variant of the Royal Coachman dry fly, perhaps the best known trout fly of all time. It is an attractor pattern, meaning that, even though it imitates no insect found in nature, fish will take it.

Deer hair is tied in for the tail, several strands of peacock are tied in for a body which is split by wraps of red floss. Calf tail is used for the wings and two feathers wound on for a bushy hackle.

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